Classify documents with intelligent character recognition
Discover the treasure in your documents. Scanning, classifying and extracting key information from printed and digital documents, are an essential daily task for many organizations across various industries. Financial auditors use intelligent character recognition to automatically classify documents related to a potential client during the preliminary analysis phase. In this phase, an auditor has a short amount of time to assess a prospect, so automatically classifying unstructured data steps up efficiency when time is critical. An intelligence-based Robotic Process Automation (RPA) bot can invoke an AI-powered optical character recognition (OCR) to convert unstructured data into structured meaningful data that can be acted upon.

In the insurance sector, intelligent character recognition could mean sorting which documents are part of a claim. A client may send an email about an insurance claim with a standard printed form attached, or it might include a handwritten note or a photograph of a wrecked motorcycle. An RPA bot uses an Artificial Intelligence (AI) model that scans and understands the intent of any human message. Based on that intent, the software can then automate a response to the request or route it to the proper department.

Automating document classification reduces manual tasks for employees and helps customers get faster service.

Contact neuralg8 to see a demonstration of how easy it is to automate character recognition to convert unstructured data to structured usable data using intelligence-based RPA.