Commission calculation for salesperson

Your sales team has enough on their plate already, don’t make them do extra data entry. In many cases when a salesperson in an organization converts a prospect to a new customer, there are a number of documents to be filled and submitted in order to get the commission for the deal. This task is time consuming for the salesperson and takes away focus from their primary function, selling. It is also totally redundant because most of the data needed for the commission documents is readily available in the company’s ERP and CRM systems.

Deploying Robotic Process Automation (RPA) will speed up the process and improve accuracy.

When using an intelligent RPA solution, the salesperson sends an email with subject “deal closed” and customer name to a process automation bot that can be incorporated into a human worker’s routine in various ways. A backend automation receives that email and identifies the opportunity in the CRM, based on the name and that salesperson’s territory. The automation then automatically retrieves and validate all available information to fill the necessary documentation and the salesperson receives a notification email with a link to review the documents for submission.

With RPA, the salesperson usually only needs to hit the submit button, which sends the commission statement to the finance department. At the end of each week, the salesperson receives an email with automatically generated statistics and charts about their weekly performance. Your sales team goes from overworked to motivated.

Contact neuralg8  to see a demonstration of how easy it is to automate the commission calculation for salespersons using intelligence based RPA.